Africa Community Development projects – God@Work

Africa update:

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As most of you know, my passion is to create programs to support ministries and feed orphans. Obviously, the preference I have is to find people who first host a Bible school, because

Galatians 6:10

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith 


I am not merely a community development organization, but actively seek to expand and support the Christian cause and to expand the kingdom of God wherever I can. I cannot be moved solely by human need, but work with Christian organizations that believe the Bible is the Word of God.


I am convinced that Bible schools are the most important need in every community, because the Word of God is absolute truth, with the ability to transform lives, and show people how to live. Unless people learn right from wrong behavior, simply feeding or clothing them become enablement, instead of empowerment, and they never learn of Gods design to provide for them, through meaningful work and careful stewardship of our God given gifts and resources.

We teach them how to fish.


Having made this premise known. Here are the two projects we are currently working on in the nation of Kenya.

clean water for 13 villages!


Here is how and why I became involved.

Pastore Evans Mukwa asked me to send him information in 2012 on how to start a Bible school to educate and disciple his leaders in his church, and since then has graduated around 30 students through the IVBI curriculum.

Then, he awoke one morning to discover military at his door with several orphan children they had found in the villages, and asked him if he could take them in. He quickly fed them breakfast, and at church that night announced his new orphan program. He would serve community breakfast at the church, and then asked families to take these children home to sleep at night for the security of the children.

And so it has begun, with 13 children in the communities care initially. We set up an account on Western Union and began to send small amounts of money to help with school fees and the childrens immediate needs. Over time, we we introduced to pastor Victor Otieno Gumba from Nyatike in Migori province, who was also helping widows and orphans.

Pastor Victor ended up with 58 children, and presently helps 98 through his program. I am not sure of his Bible school development, but he has been appoved by Victory to start a school, and curriculum has been sent to him.


So many forget that after we receive Jesus, we are left here on earth with a job to do, its called the great commission:


The ‘make disciples of all nations’ part is quite the commission!


So, I find myself working to do something of eternal value with my life, and in this case, in the nation of Kenya.


Update: The well got drilled and we raised funds to purchase a solar powered pumping station. Now we need to construct a wash house, so that people coming from surrounding villages can use the bathroom in a sanitary manner and not pollute the well. Also, since the system is solar powered, it only runs during the day. We need a reservoir that can be filled in daylight hours to provide water after dark. To make a long story short, pastor Victor had a the teens there make mud bricks and get ready to build walls. Yet the cost of the metal roof, reservoir and fixtures is 2300USD. As I discussed this with one of the donors, he agreed to do a matching fund of $1000, so when people donate$1000, we will actually have $2000 towards this project.

Making mud bricks

In Eldoret, we are working on the Gardens of Grace greenhouse project. We paid to have the soil samples done, then sent money donated to pay for soil preparation, site prep and fencing to keep stray livestock  out of the site.

The uncleared land

Clearing the land

New fencing

We still need $4200USD, to construct a small caretakers cottage on site, and purchase the first greenhouse. By faith, God has provided this need, as this project will provide for orphans for life as we manage it well.


Of course, please pray for the financial needs of our family. Just working and paying bills has been a grind, and somehow we fell behind on weekly bills, yet our eyes are on Jesus to catch us up. WE have an invitation to fly to Belize to help pioneer another two BIble schools, and of course to preach the gospel and demonstrate Gods power. This requires prayer, faith, time off work here, and around $3000.00. Gods will, Gods bill.


With overseas projects, 100% of all donations go to the project minus any international transfer fees. (On smaller amounts Western Union and taxes cost around $20), for amounts over $1000.00, our bank charges $68 for a bank to bank international transfer.)




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AOMMinistries Banquet Nov 28th

AOMMinistries Missions Banquet

Chris and Karen Walsh

Tel: 918 269 – 5350


Missions Banquet –

When: Tuesday, November 28th, 2017 – 6-8PM

 Where: China King, 71st and Riverside. Tulsa, Ok

Why: To share the vision, testimony, and on-going mission of AOMMinistries

Cost: Free! Dinner is provided. A freewill offering will be taken.


Donate on-line:

The Purpose of this Blog

The purpose of this Blog: When my friend, Robert Shaeffer asked me to join a Facebook group for the cast of the church play, I asked: ‘What is Facebook?’ I had no idea of the power of Social Media, to stay connected with friends, family, and ministers around the world. Over the years, what began […]

The purpose of this Blog:


When my friend, Robert Shaeffer asked me to join a Facebook group for the cast of the church play, I asked: ‘What is Facebook?’

I had no idea of the power of Social Media, to stay connected with friends, family, and ministers around the world. Over the years, what began as a fun hobby, has developed into an international ministry, that is growing daily, as I bathe it in prayer, and stay faithful to what God has called me to do. This is the direction I believe I am to follow on this page.


0. To encourage us to seek first God, through Jesus, every morning, and through-out our day in everything. If you don’t yet know Him, or have wandered away somehow, please read this:


1. To encourage us to read through the Bible together every year. I currently use

manhood grow

2. To encourage my friends in the things of the kingdom of God, by posting quips,quotes, and devotional materials to encourage us to actually believe what we are reading that day, and to apply it to our lives through action, and prayer.


3. To encourage five fold ministry to keep on keeping on, faithfully in the call God has placed upon your lives.


4. To facilitate, wherever possible the pioneering of Bible Schools, to raise up train and equip leaders in their country in the Word of God. I do this by simply referring people to Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, OK. Presently, Victory has established over 1800 International Bible schools in 100 countries, that graduate 27,000 students each year. This number is growing monthly, with a vision to host 10,000 schools! The curriculum has been filmed and is available in video format in many languages, and translators are currently working on getting it translated into many more. The IVBI program is an incredible force for Jesus in the earth!

If you are willing to host a Bible school, please read this article:

Or simply contact Victory directly:

5. To field prayer requests. God is a good God, and satan is a bad devil. Hard things sometimes happen to good people. Jesus is the answer, never the problem. Daily, people inbox me prayer requests, and I spend the first several hours of my day, seeking first the kingdom of God, and believing for God’s best, each day for all of my friends on Social Media.


Prayer Requests: If you or your family need specific prayer for anything, please send us a prayer request. We as a family will pray for you today, and if you would, please let us know the wonderful ways God answers. This is a great encouragement to us.

6. To raise awareness and support for charitable purposes. We take many missions trips as a family, and these cost money. We also support an orphanage in Karimnager, India that urgently needs everything. $50 there goes a long way to simply feeding and clothing the 10 children currently living in a tin shed, and I cannot claim to love Jesus, and do nothing for orphans and the suffering in our midst.


God loves you, and so do I!

As I have thought more about this, I thought it would be good if I included the links and telephone numbers of other tremendous prayer movements in the earth.

To listen in on a prayer meeting that goes 24 hours day, join live:

If you would like to speak with a prayer partner: Call 918-495-7777,

Victory: (918) 496-0700

Rhema Prayer Line: The lines are open Monday – Friday, 8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (CT). Just call (918) 258-1588, ext 5566, to speak with your Prayer Partner.

CBN: 1-800-823-6053

Keep Smiling!

Jesus is Lord!

Chris Walsh

If you are able to donate to AOMMinistries, please use the following Paypal link, to help us do our part in growing the kingdom of God through our various works:


Donate on-line:

We are full time missionaries, and Jesus has the whole world on His mind. He has no plan B in the gospel, it is either Pack, Pay, or Pray. Either Pack, and come with us on a missions trip, Make a Donation so that we can keep going, or write our names down on your daily prayer list, and pray for us to stay strong and fully obedient to Holy Spirit in all of our endeavors.



FALL Newsletter – Chris and Karen Walsh


Chris and Karen Walsh

1703 E 66th st

Tulsa, OK




Donate on-line:

Fall Newsletter – AOMMinistries

Greetings to all, as we update you on this current chapter in the Walsh family saga!

Mucho life change! We now actually live in Tulsa again, instead of temporarily with the precious Lyons family, and in motels and our Jeep as we traveled.

We were able to rent a duplex close to Oral Roberts University where I attend seminary full-time, and work part time with Rembrandt homes. This first semester has been very challenging, learning the ORU educational process, and yes actually cracking the books, hard. Never thought assignments, tests and papers could be so much work.

Karen and the children are really busy too. Jedidiah now plays keyboards and drums on two worship teams, and Keila has decided to help out with kids ministry at Harvest Church. Karen is busy homeschooling and running the children to the various lessons and homeschool commitments each week, while I work and attend school.
No small scheduling task with only our faithful Jeep for transportation, but it’s only impossible, til its done.

After all we have seen in how most of the world lives each day, I am so grateful for good food, our own place, and transportation at all.

Last weekend we had the privilege of attending ‘Anna Call’ in Tahlequah, and spending the needed broken hearted hours on our faces chewing grass, pleading with God yet again, to have mercy on the United States.
Seems there are lots of people talking politics as this presidential election is upon us, but how many are actually, fervently praying?

Please continue to pray for us as this season is upon us. GRACE, GRACE, GRACE!

I cannot thank you enough for all of your help in supplying stuff to move in with after all of our furniture was taken or destroyed.

All we need now is a TV or TV repairman, bicycles, and TIRES on our Jeep.

The ones on there have been patched, plugged, and rotated, but God, we need a new set of shoes for that Jeep!

Here’s what we are doing in ministry:

1.Praying for and supporting weekly Grace Child Development center. There are still nine precious children living in a tin hut in Pastor Johnson’s home, that urgently need a home! They have the land and permit, but it will cost $3000.00 to build.

  1. We are helping build a bath house for Crossroads Ranch Bed and Breakfast for Mike and Dove Schmidt. Need electrical put in, and then finished out. Could use a couple volunteers with finish carpentry skills for this one.
  2. The blog – still cranking it out, reaching the world for Jesus on social media. When I do a blog post, it goes out to at least 130,000 people, and God takes it places I am unable to go personally.
  3. New book – Leadership in the River – It’s written, but could use help in design, graphics, publication and most importantly marketing. As God gives me time, I work on editing it It will be a valuable ministry resource for Christian leaders after it is complete.

    5. Fifth Wheel – another friend has graciously donated to us a 5th wheel. It needs some work, and a truck to haul it.img_2427img_2428-1
    I see incredible possibilities for this unit, as we plan various missions trips in upcoming months.

    If you are able to help us this season, we remain faithful and obedient to the call, good ground to sow into.

A Cry for the Fatherless…

A Cry for the Fatherless

Titus 3: 8 This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.

As I again seek the face of God, for my support, with bills on my desk, I look upon this page, and see the needs of orphans and orphanages, that make my pressure seem like a picnic. Could it be that our loving Father has allowed my particular trial, to humble me, that I might see?

James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Yes, the internet has allowed me international outreach, but the needs I see, are real, and heartbreaking.

God’s Word promises provision and prosperity, and this I teach: giving and receiving, but what about those who have nothing to give but their love and prayers.

Children, helpless to provide for themselves, destitute of daily food, proper shelter, and schooling.

James 2:14 ¶ What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?
15 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,
16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?
17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

As a father, when we are low on funds, or food, and I have to hug and hold my children, when I have nothing to give, my heart breaks…

How much more our heavenly Father, Creator of all life, seeing the greed, selfishness, and stinginess, that puts children into starvation, prostitution, or a life of begging.

And so I weep, questioning whether this journey of faith is in vain. At least when I had our companies, I could do something financially, however small, to give, to support, to provide in some small way to the needs before me.

And so I break before His throne, questioning if I should not rather be building some business, to try and generate money to alleviate suffering, whether or not this call to preach the gospel is a vain thing…

I will see Him, I will hear His voice, and I will obey.

Whatever He says, I will do, yet I cannot call myself a man of God, and see these needs, and not be moved to action. Now, I must know what action is the correct action…

Mt 25:35 For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

Jesus, how would you have me to do this…?
Let’s pray:
‘Father, the poor we shall always have with us, yet you have called us to provide for them. Please show me Your heart of compassion for this, and please show me how to do my part. You are Creator, and You always provide for Your creation, yet these verses scream our responsibility to do something. Though I have nothing in terms of silver and gold, I am rich in education, strength, and passion. Show me how, to use my gifts to meet these needs, in Jesus name, Amen.’


Last year, clearly, God laid upon my heart to send these children money for Christmas. Above, you see the clothes they got for Christmas 2015. Now, after a full year of supporting this work almost weekly, we we able to help again with Christmas 2016. My dream, is to be able to do this for 11 more orphanages in 2017.


The Purpose of this Blog

The purpose of this Blog:

When my friend, Robert Shaeffer asked me to join a Facebook group for the cast of the church play, I asked: ‘What is Facebook?’

I had no idea of the power of Social Media, to stay connected with friends, family, and ministers around the world. Over the years, what began as a fun hobby, has developed into an international ministry, that is growing daily, as I bathe it in prayer, and stay faithful to what God has called me to do. This is the direction I believe I am to follow on this page.
0. To encourage us to seek first God, through Jesus, every morning, and through-out our day in everything. If you don’t yet know Him, or have wandered away somehow, please read this:

1. To encourage us to read through the Bible together every year. I currently use
manhood grow

2. To encourage my friends in the things of the kingdom of God, by posting quips,quotes, and devotional materials to encourage us to actually believe what we are reading that day, and to apply it to our lives through action, and prayer.


3. To encourage five fold ministry to keep on keeping on, faithfully in the call God has placed upon your lives.


4. To facilitate, wherever possible the pioneering of Bible Schools, to raise up train and equip leaders in their country in the Word of God. I do this by simply referring people to Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, OK. Presently, Victory has established over 1600 International Bible schools in 100 countries, that graduate 27,000 students each year. This number is growing monthly, with a vision to host 10,000 schools! The curriculum has been filmed and is available in video format in many languages, and translators are currently working on getting it translated into many more. The IVBI program is an incredible force for Jesus in the earth!
If you are willing to host a Bible school, please read this article:

Or simply contact Victory directly:

5. To field prayer requests. God is a good God, and satan is a bad devil. Hard things sometimes happen to good people. Jesus is the answer, never the problem. Daily, people inbox me prayer requests, and I spend the first several hours of my day, seeking first the kingdom of God, and believing for God’s best, each day for all of my friends on Social Media.


Prayer Requests: If you or your family need specific prayer for anything, please send us a prayer request. We as a family will pray for you today, and if you would, please let us know the wonderful ways God answers. This is a great encouragement to us.

6. To raise awareness and support for charitable purposes. We take many missions trips as a family, and these cost money. We also support an orphanage in Karimnager, India that urgently needs everything. $50 there goes a long way to simply feeding and clothing the 10 children currently living in a tin shed, and I cannot claim to love Jesus, and do nothing for orphans and the suffering in our midst.

God loves you, and so do I!

As I have thought more about this, I thought it would be good if I included the links and telephone numbers of other tremendous prayer movements in the earth.

To listen in on a prayer meeting that goes 24 hours day, join live:

If you would like to speak with a prayer partner: Call 918-495-7777,

Victory: (918) 496-0700

Rhema Prayer Line: The lines are open Monday – Friday, 8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (CT). Just call (918) 258-1588, ext 5566, to speak with your Prayer Partner.

CBN: 1-800-823-6053

I am a missionary, called to take the good news of Jesus to the nations of the world. Presently, I study in seminary at Oral Roberts University.

As I have thought about the ministries above:

If you need a great home church please consider Rhema, Victory, or IHOP, or if you like a tiny church, come to the one I attend: Harvest Family Church (AG)

If you are called to ministry please consider attending Bible college at: Victory Bible College, or Rhema (where I and my wife graduated!)

If you are considering a university, please contact Oral Roberts University, or Regent, places that include Jesus in all their studies.

Keep Smiling!

Jesus is Lord!

Chris Walsh

If you led by Holy Spirit to donate to AOMMinistries, please use the following Paypal link, to help us do our part in growing the kingdom of God through our various works:

Donate on-line:

We are full time missionaries, and Jesus has the whole world on His mind. He has no plan B in the gospel, it is either Pack, Pay, or Pray. Either Pack, and come with us on a missions trip, Make a Donation so that we can keep going, or write our names down on your daily prayer list, and pray for us to stay strong and fully obedient to Holy Spirit in all of our endeavors.



Jesus has need of it.

Jesus has Preeminence!
Col 1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.
Spoke with my friend Loyd Umber today, and he had the insight about Jesus, that whatever exists in all of Creation, or anywhere in the earth, Jesus has preeminence!
That means He has the first right of use to anything!
Which is why the disciples could untie a donkey, and state: The Lord has need of it!
Makes missions a rather exciting endeavor, in that as we go, and authentically hear God, He may well wake folks up in the night, and tell them the very same thing about our provision: The Lord has need of it! And they gotta turn some stuff loose….
Makes our obedience rather critical…
Jesus cause us to hear accurately!

Right now, Prasad Johnson needs $2800 to build a bunkhouse then monthly support for the 10 orphan children in his care. This need lays heavily upon my heart today.

Please help me help them – this is a legitimate need, and every penny you donate, goes directly to them.

These children are on my heart today. Need to raise $2800.00 to build a bunkhouse for each of them. Cost $50/month each. to feed clothe and school them. I never ask for money on here, and God as my witness, every penny donated will go 100% to them. Please help me help them.


The Sin of Sodom

The Sin of Sodom

The Sin of Sodom
Ezekial 16:49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.

I’m sure I could create a long devotion, on the sin of Sodom, their wickedness, and many have used the destruction of Sodom, as a text for preaching against homosexuality. I understand how the gay predators tried to rape the angelic strangers that visited Lot’s house, as the traditional interpretation of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.sodom
Homosexuality is wrong, as is any sex outside of a marriage covenant in the eyes of God, but look at this verse, tucked away in the book of Ezekiel.

The real sins of Sodom mentioned here are:
1. Pride and arrogance.
2. Gluttony, and being overfed.
3. Unconcern for the help of the poor and the needy.

Let’s Look at these some:

Pride: Holman’s Bible dictionary has a long definition:

Yet, I have a very simply one: Pride is simply having a better idea than God, in any area of life.

casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Any time, any where, any person has thoughts opposed to the word of God, they are in pride. They may be sincere, yet in God’s eyes, they are sincerely wrong. Someone might not have their chest puffed up, or be walking in arrogance of way, yet be proud nonetheless, in that they are doing their own thing, not God’s.

This past couple of years has been interesting for me and my family, as we went from a comfortable income, able to go and eat whatever we wanted, to no income, having to eat at food banks, to finally turning my truck back into the bank, and then our house as we went through foreclosure.There has been a wonderful walk of discovery from what is truly a need or merely a want. Things that I had taken for granted, when removed, become prayer points, where I discover where my heart has really been at.
Learning to survive for weeks, without a dime in our pocket, no vehicle, eating at food banks, has quite honestly changed me, and made me a far better human being, far more accepting, willing to help, non-judgemental, and grateful for the little things in life. Now, I am able to simple see and listen to the poor of this nation, and learn many things, that I could never have heard before.

I remember hearing the story of Heidi Baker, after receiving her PHD from seminary, asking Jesus what He would have her do, and receiving the instruction to go to Mozambique with her husband, with nothing but faith in God, and to ‘sit with the poor and learn of my kingdom’Heidi Baker humility
As I reach out internationally, to Christian brothers and sisters serving the Lord who honestly have to trust the Lord not only for their next meal, but in many cases, the meals of those orphans that have come to them for their daily sustenance, sacrificial living at a level that we here in America cannot comprehend, and as I cry out to God for our daily needs, I am acutely aware that the God I am praying to loves them, exactly as much as He loves me and my children. The nature of my prayers has radically changed. The old cliché’ is true: ‘You never truly discover that Jesus is all you need, until He is all that you have!’.
He can create a humble pathway of provision, that requires a radical, strict obedience, and I am convinced that He is doing exactly that in my life. I am a prosperity preacher! I honestly believe that one of the benefits of serving Jesus is financial prosperity:
3 John 1:2
King James Version (KJV)
2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
Yet, as I have walked this pathway of radical obedience, I have discovered that many, many things in my life were simply wants, soulical desires, that were often born in the world and this culture, not birthed in the fire of the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God.
Let’s talk about a couple of these:
Fitness: I love to stay in shape. My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and I like to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. To do this, used to live P90X, for those of you who know what that is. This involved 6-10 work-outs/week, a structured diet, many protein and body-building supplements, and of course high dollar multivitamins. These all cost money, usually around an extra $200-300/month, plus a gym membership fee. Money has been non-existant, and in many cases, so has food, any food, so work-outs have been in my make-shift gym in my back yard, 3-4 times/week, and then, and only then, when we actually have enough food in the house to justify it, because I have children to feed.

Coffee: I love me some good coffee. Yet, the days of exotic coffee’s have long gone, and I drink regular Folgers when we have been able. I can live with it, or without it.
Desserts: When we have ice-cream or some sweet for dessert or at a church function, I am simply grateful. I’m fighting for healthy meals for the family, simply putting decent calories on the table, with nutrition in them, sweets are low on the priority.
Pets: We have two dogs, a cat, a rabbit, and an aquarium. They eat well, but as I see orphans around the world starving, can I justify the expense of feeding pets, when I should be feeding people, starving children that honestly need food?
Entertainment: Used to hit the movies, and watch the latest and greatest flicks at the theater. Netflix, internet access, and movie nights have not been possible, which has led to family time together where we actually talk to each other, read the Bible, have tickle fights, and love on one another. A walk by the river, and building sandcastles is free, yet builds memories for a lifetime. We still hit movies at the dollar theater as we are able, but my appetites have changed. We enjoy the things of God far more now, because Jesus draws close to us there, as we have drawn close to Him.
Vehicle: For many years, we have had two vehicles. For over a year, we had none. We walked each day to the library for internet and home school, and viola, accomplish a fitness activity, and often skip and sing our way here, laughing as we go. I have believed God for another reliable vehicle, and He has surely heard and answered that prayer, but know this: I will be far more grateful to Him, and far more sensitive to driving others around, for I know intimately what it is like to walk by faith. (He has answered, providing for us a 1998 jeep Cherokee, for which I am very grateful)
Utilities: Never been without them before. Over the past year and a half, we have been without water, gas, and electric for several extended periods of time. Nothing like dark nights, cold showers, or hauling water to simple flush the toilet to make you appreciate services that up until now, I have simply taken for granted. After we moved from our home in November, we have lived with friends, learning that there are radically different ways to do family life than we knew, and we have learned much from each family home we have stayed in. As we travelled to Indian reservations, and spent time with natives, we discovered many have no heat, nor running water, in often extreme climates, yet they are a resilient people, with a deep joy and peace, that has been a great example to us.
The sin of Sodom was in my face, for I now see how I have not only committed all of these three sins, but have lived in them for many years.

Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;

We cry out for revival, that we are willing to pay any price, yet the price God requires, is heart change.
There is financial prosperity in the kingdom of God,
2 Corinthians 8:9
For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.

Jesus died upon the cross for our poverty, our sin, and our sickness.
Yet, during this season of my financial poverty, I am changing, where human eyes cannot see. Deep in my soul, I am prospering, and in my due season, wealth and riches shall again be my portion in life. Gratefully, humbly, in wisdom, will I again walk in the wealth of this world.
Why? Because I believe, no longer blindly, but because Jesus has spoken to me personally about my finances. One morning, in fervent prayer, He reminded me of who He is, King of the Universe, and He said: ‘Son, you cannot seek me the way you have these past years, and come away diminished!’
True faith always has a good report!
James 2:5
Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?

This season too, shall pass, and Jesus, my faithful Lord, shall again honor His Word in my life, and cause me to prosper, increase, and walk in wealth, for I have believed.
Ecclesiastes 3
3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.
12 I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life.
13 And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of God.

How about you?

I think in my testimonies I have discussed how gluttony has died its horrible death in my life, but let me talk about concern for the poor.

I have honestly not been able to give anything to the poor, despite the thousands of requests we receive for financial aid from those who read this blog. Not one goes by, unnoticed any more. I honestly fervently pray with compassion for every need, trusting Jesus to do what I personally cannot.


I have faced many days of trouble, and I need the Lord to deliver me as the days have come. Jesus said the poor you will always have with you. Consider them, love them, do not oppress them, and help wherever you can to alleviate human suffering.
Let’s pray:
‘Father, in every season of life, there are lessons to be learned. Help us to recognize the season You have us in, and to be content and faithful in it. May we be quick to learn the lessons we must learn, now, deep within our soul, that in the season of our promotion and favor, we remain humble, grateful, and fully dependent upon You Lord Jesus, Amen’