Four Crazy Faith Friends!

Four crazy Faith Friends
roof off
Luke 5:19 And when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude, they went upon the housetop, and let him down through the tiling with his couch into the midst before Jesus.

I love this picture! I have worked for many years as a carpenter, around very skilled tradesmen, working men, in many trades, able to build or fix about anything. I see here respect among men being granted to Jesus, in a wonderful way. This miracle probably occurred at Jesus personal house, and the men who tore off the roof probably knew Jesus, well. Tear off the roof? Sure why not? Jesus is a carpenter, and he knows how to cut in a roof! I see these men, as hard working men, determined to obtain a miracle for their friend or family member, and they were not going to let a crowd or a set of religious do’s and don’ts get their way! They carried their friend to the meeting where Jesus, the healing man, was preaching and teaching, and couldn’t get to Him! No problem, run around the back of the house, hoist the man up on to the roof, and simply tear the roof off to get to Jesus.
Lord build
These are the kind of crazy faith friends we all need, when the trials of life show up. Been a country song played down here called: ‘Find out who your friends are.’

Do you have any crazy people in your life, that are not afraid to slap heaven and earth together in prayer, to get you to Jesus, when it appears that all hell has broken loose on your life? Bible says: ‘Let the strong uphold the weak’ Ro 15:1 We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Maybe you need to be one of those four strong men, that carry the burden of a weak brother or sister in the Lord, while Jesus heals them, or maybe life has dealt you such a blow from hell and sinful people, that you are not getting up, unless the Lord does a miracle. Time does not heal all wounds like the proverb says, but the power of God, can, and will if you would receive it today.
Receive it!

I am one of your four crazy faith friends today, aggressively praying and believing for the power of God to come into your life and heal you, set you free, alert folks to help you, write you checks, or teach you what you need to know, to get out of your particular mess. God loves to take messes, and turn them in to miracles, and today is your day for one!

Let’s pray:
‘Father, I believe I receive my miracle today! I believe you are healing me, revealing to me direction, delivering me, and sending people into my life to give me favor, finances, instruction, and the help I need to get things straightened out, in your name I pray Lord Jesus, Amen’

Money and People


Read a Facebook post I made 3 years ago, after we had either lost, or willingly given up everything to follow Jesus.

“Interesting fact about walking and living 100% by faith. If money doesn’t arrive when you think you need it, you simply don’t go to those meetings God has not provided for, nor eat exactly what you might want, yet Jesus is Lord, and He is faithful, and there is a peace, and witness that He can give, that are greater than any material thing this world has to offer. Lack can separate you from people, but I have learned this: The people that are still with you, when you have nothing but Jesus to offer, are the ones to trust, when the money is again flowing freely”

This was good counsel then, and now, as God is again showing His hand in providing for our family, good counsel now.