Your Choices Make Your Life!

choices lifeGenerational curse?

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

Ezekial 18:19 “‘What?’ you ask. ‘Doesn’t the child pay for the parent’s sins?’ No! For if the child does what is just and right and keeps my decrees, that child will surely live. 20 The person who sins is the one who will die. The child will not be punished for the parent’s sins, and the parent will not be punished for the child’s sins. Righteous people will be rewarded for their own righteous behavior, and wicked people will be punished for their own wickedness. 21 But if wicked people turn away from all their sins and begin to obey my decrees and do what is just and right, they will surely live and not die.

I have seen people come out of homes that were drug centers, crack houses, and parents that are still living the lifestyle of sex, drugs and rock and roll.

Yet, they have chosen to live for Jesus, and do right. Fighting to be honest, loving, clean from the way they were raised.

This is the glory of the gospel. Even if someone was immoral, having sex with anything that moved, they become a born-again virgin in him, cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus!

Even if parents were addicts, alcoholics, criminals, liars, and thieves, a child can choose Jesus, life, and a life of blessing, purpose, joy, purity, and peace!

There is no sickness, disease, addiction, or criminal behavior that can be passed down generationally now, to anyone that wants a better way of life. These things are the result of the curse, but God speaks here: The sins, sicknesses and failures of the parents, will NOT be laid upon the children who choose right!

It is written: Galatians 3:13
Now Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law’s condemnation, by himself becoming a curse for us when he was crucified. For the scripture is plain: ‘Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.

We can freely choose to live honestly, righteously, in purpose and passion before His throne, and our families, our homes, our children can be blessed of heaven, with a bright and glorious future!

choices hard

Jesus is a good shepherd, and if you decide to seek Him first, and let Him lead you out of the messes life has dealt you, you will discover Him to be all powerful, faithful, and a God of miracles.

1 Corinthians 10:13 (PHILLIPS)

God still governs human experience

13 No temptation has come your way that is too hard for flesh and blood to bear. But God can be trusted not to allow you to suffer any temptation beyond your powers of endurance. He will see to it that every temptation has a way out, so that it will never be impossible for you to bear it.

Jesus is the way, and the Waymaker!

waymakerLet’s pray:
‘Father, I choose to do right. I refuse to be limited by my past, or the bad choices of my ancestors. I am your child, royalty, and I will fight for purity and righteousness in my life, and this generation. I choose Jesus rule and Lordship in every area of my life, now! Amen’