Money simply makes more of YOU!

Money simply makes more of you


Pr 10:16 The earnings of the godly enhance their lives,
but evil people squander their money on sin

Some years ago, I was over at Rhema listening to Deon Sanders, the football legend speak.

He made the statement: Money simply makes more of You!


He went on to explain:

If you love Jesus, your money will go to help support His work, and to build great things for your family. If you love immoral women, money will buy more women. If you love partying, money will buy more expensive parties, more cocaine, fancy wines, superb whiskey. If you love cars, boats, computers, toys, etc, money just buys more of them, but if you love Jesus, you will use wealth with wisdom….

theresa money

I don’t know about you, but I am determined to make my life count for eternity!

I want each and every day to make an eternal difference in this sin sick, war torn, hurting world. I want to see people’s lives changed, by the love and power of God, and I’m hard after it.

Money simply helps me love more people, and do good in building cool projects.

theresa money plus love
Sure, the love of money is the root of all evil, but money itself is not evil, in fact, it can become an great tool to use in developing people. It makes a great servant, but a lousy Lord.

Seems the Lord has directed me to write and study often on the topic of Biblical wealth, the motives that govern our money. Here are a couple of thoughts:
When I had my carpentry company, and was determined to produce the highest quality of woodwork possible, money was a great way to keep people motivated. Not only did it provide for us as we carefully managed and produced some incredible projects, but it was a great way to reward men who took the time to hone their skill set and develop as master craftsmen over years.

People who would never take time to listen to you about Jesus, have a lot more interest, when you are the one writing their paycheck each week, and they actually see God’s love being walked out in the workplace, a boss who regularly walks, talks, and sacrificially loves the people we are called to serve, earns respect through the sweat, that can come no other way.

But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

Seems God’s promotions simply mean more responsibility, and the privilege of serving and loving more people…

who do you serve

The truth is, there is a spiritual war being fought every day in the earth, and control of money is one of the weapons employed.
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

I have a couple of questions for you today:

In this verse, that has been often misquoted, I believe Jesus is not speaking about money directly, but naming an actual evil spirit that controls people through money, named mammon. Light and darkness, you can’t serve God and money, but surely you can serve God WITH your money.

Not all of the thoughts that cross your mind with respect to your spending, are your own. Holy Spirit will gently nudge you to do good things, and evil spirits will encourage you to indulge your lusts, and spend your hard earned cash on worldly pleasures…

1. What do you do with your money? Have you taken a look at your bank statement, and honestly tried to look at your cash-flow with the eyes of Jesus? Could you cook at home a couple of days, or pack a lunch, so that you could give some of the money you presently spend eating out, on supporting an orphanage, a missionary, or some unique Jesus project perfectly tailored to your gift?

2. What are you doing to grow in your gift and calling? Do you have a night course you can take, some books you can read, or a mentor that you could carve time out with, that will help you grow intellectually, spiritually, physically? Are there ways that you can improve, so that you might earn more money, not only to improve the quality of your life (God does love you and want you to have nice things), but to deliberately to earn more income to do your part in alleviating human suffering somewhere in the world…

money world

 Let’s pray:

‘Father, please supply my needs today, and lead me and guide me in my spending, my giving, my stewardship of the resources and gifts you have given me, and give me creative ways to increase in all of these areas. May I ever be led by You Holy Spirit, not bled by the screaming needs and schemes of people, or the deceptive thoughts of devils. May I be generous, as You are Father, but careful to only give where You lead, not moved by the apparent need. I trust that You are good, and that You hear and answer me today, for I come to Your throne, in Your name Lord Jesus, Amen.

Author: chrisaomministries

Chris Walsh is a missionary, the President of AOMMinistries. This blog now reaches over 100,000 people each day! Chris is the author of six books: Parable of the Sower, Worship - Not Just a Song, 'Welcome to the Grand Illusion, a prophetic prayer strategy to take America back!' Leadership in the River (an Amazon best seller), Foundations for Christian Living, and Biblical Ways to Hear Gods Voice. The Walsh family has completed over 30 missions trips since April 2014, and is committed to bringing the Word of God to the nations, by every available media.

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