The Iroquois Blessing

The Iroquois Blessing

As we move forward into reconciliation, healing, forgiveness, and redeeeming the land, pastor Willie Jock of the Akwesasne, Mohawk reservation in New York, explains briefly the Wampum from the Iroquois Confederacy, that speaks reconciliation, unity, and peace, only through the cross and shed blood of Jesus Christ.

I believe, with all my heart, God is bringing unity, healing and peace to the host peoples of this land we call the United States of America, and that through them, the reign of our Creator, Jesus, Prince of Peace, will literally recreate, and heal this nation.

Author: chrisaomministries

Chris Walsh is a missionary, the President of AOMMinistries. This blog now reaches over 100,000 people each day! Chris is the author of six books: Parable of the Sower, Worship - Not Just a Song, 'Welcome to the Grand Illusion, a prophetic prayer strategy to take America back!' Leadership in the River (an Amazon best seller), Foundations for Christian Living, and Biblical Ways to Hear Gods Voice. The Walsh family has completed over 30 missions trips since April 2014, and is committed to bringing the Word of God to the nations, by every available media.

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